Les Derniers - Armand


Armand Bulwa

Born in 1929, Armand grew up in the town of Piotrkow, Poland, in a neighborhood where 10,000 Jews lived at the time. This neighborhood would become the very first ghetto in Poland in October 1939. Jews living outside this district had forty-eight hours to abandon everything and move in, sometimes five to a room. Armand, then age 10, lived there with his parents and newborn brother. Three years later, in October 1942, the majority of the ghetto's 25,000 Jews were deported and murdered at Treblinka in a matter of days. Armand was spared, as he worked in a factory outside the ghetto, but his entire family was exterminated. He was then deported to Buchenwald, where he would become one of nine hundred children under 18 who survived the camp. Armand feels he owes part of his survival to Élie Buzyn. Armand's uniform was a pair of oversized pants, which he has to hold on to at all times, risking death at roll calls and on the job. Seeing him distraught, Élie gave him his belt: a real treasure in the camps, and it would save his life. After the war, following lengthy negotiations, France agreed to take in half of the nine hundred surviving children, under one condition: that the Jewish associations cover the financial cost of the operation. Of these young people, only twenty chose to remain in France. Armand, who had no one to turn to, was taken in by a family looking for an apprentice. Eager to leave Europe, like most of the Buchenwald survivors, he nevertheless fell in love with the family's daughter and married her. He didn’t want children, as he considered it "criminal" to have a child in a world capable of the Holocaust. Nightmares would haunt him every night for fourteen years. When they finally stopped, he agreed to have children, and they eventually had a daughter. Of all the former deportees I've met, Armand is the only one who has no photographs of any of the eighty members of his family. [...+]

My visit to Armand




« You don't have to take my word for it. »


« There were 3.5 million Jews in Poland, and 3.2 million died. »
Armand - Ghetto de Piotrkow


« We couldn't react, we had no weapons. »


Sophie Nahum
Les derniers
Rencontre avec les survivants des camps de concentration

There are not many left who can bear witness to the concentration camps. Barely a hundred men and women, who were silent for a long time in the face of a post-war France that was reluctant to listen to them. Survivors thanks above all to a succession of chance events, they were able to rebuild their lives with remarkable courage. Sophie Nahum went to meet the “Last Ones”, these extraordinary resilient people, including Ginette Kolinka and Élie Buzyn, for a series of short documentaries, from which results this choral book. Their testimonies echo each other, while revealing the singularity of each destiny. In this way, the last survivors of the Shoah – 75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz – offer us a poignant look at their experiences.

“Touching. These men and women speak from the heart”. Paris Match

“My heart beat for [this] book.” Leila Kaddour.

Sophie Nahum has been making documentaries for over 20 years. After working for the major channels, most notably Arte, she decided to produce her films independently. Young et moi (2015, awarded at FIGRA) was the first, followed by the multi-media project “Les Derniers”, to which she has devoted herself entirely for the past four years.


Other witnesses