September 13, 2022 4:47 pm
Published by theLastAdmin
Of the 70,000 Jewish children living in France in 1939, around 11,000 perished in the camps, while the rest miraculously survived the war, often in hiding, in convents, in the countryside, sometimes in closets. Today, only a few of them can testify to their experience of hiding, their loss of identity, the uprooting from their ... [ + ]
September 13, 2022 2:41 pm
Published by theLastAdmin
Shelomo Selinger, a Polish Jew, entered Nazi hell at the age of fourteen. In four horrific years, he experienced nine concentration camps and two death marches. How did he survive? “Instinct, chance, brotherhood. And then, oblivion.” Stricken with amnesia at the end of the war, his memory would not return until seven years after his ... [ + ]
September 13, 2022 2:16 pm
Published by theLastAdmin
There are not many left who can bear witness to the concentration camps. Barely a hundred men and women, who were silent for a long time in the face of a post-war France that was reluctant to listen to them. Survivors thanks above all to a succession of chance events, they were able to rebuild ... [ + ]