Ma rencontre avec Annette - Les Derniers
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My visit to


« At the Vel d'Hiv we were guarded by the French police, Pétain's youth. »

Annette Wainstein

Annette was born in Paris in 1931 into a Romanian family who had fled the pogroms. On July 16, 1942, Annette, her brother and their father - the mother is not on the lists because the parents are not officially married - were arrested and taken to the Vélodrome d'Hiver. From there, they were transferred to Pithiviers, then Drancy, before finally being released - as Romanians. Back in Paris, Annette's parents decided that the family should split up, for everyone’s safety. Hiding in Loir-et-Cher (southwest of Paris) until the end of the war, Annette was reunited with her father and brother. She then learned that her mother had been arrested in 1944 and deported on the penultimate convoy. She would never return. After the war, Annette, who until then had not been a religious person, discovered faith and had her children baptized. In her home, images of Jesus and Jewish symbols mingle. When asked how she defines herself, she replies "I'm a Christian born Jewish".

More info on Annette Wainstein